When looking for a language translation service, bear the following in mind to find the right translation agency.
First, make sure that the translation agency you chose provides translation services into the language you need. Fidelity Translations provides translation services into major languages:
Then, check which type of translation best suits your needs and see if the agency specializes in this service.
Fidelity works with the major types of translation: sworn translations, technical translations, standard translations, and translations from Portuguese into foreign languages. Learn more about each one:
A Sworn Translation is chosen whenever an official document needs to be translated, attesting to its legal validity. Examples of official documents include diplomas, declarations, powers of attorney, and birth certificates, among others.
A Technical Translation can be either a sworn translation or not. It covers different areas of specialization and takes into account the terminology of each specific subject, such as legal, pharmaceutical, and engineering, among others.
A Standard Translation, as well as a Sworn Translation, requires translators to master not only the source and target languages, but also the topic and the specific terminology. This type of translation includes literary, scientific, advertising, and technical texts.
A translation can include translating a text in a foreign language into a local language or vice-versa.
Fidelity is a pioneer translation agency in Brazil and is committed to service excellence. For this reason, in addition to counting on native translators for each language, Fidelity has a team of translators who are experts in several different fields to offer high-quality translations.
Al. Araguaia, 1293 - 7º andar Sala 706 - Alphaville
CEP: 06455-000 | Barueri - SP
Rua Líbero Badaró, 377 - 29º andar - Centro CEP: 01009-906 | São Paulo - SP
Av. José de Souza Campos, 1815 - 5º andar, Sala 503 Cambuí - CEP: 13024-912 | Campinas - SP
Av. Rio Branco, 45 - 16º andar Sala 1601 - Centro CEP: 20090-003 | Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Av. Brasil, 1438 - 5º andar Sala 506 - Funcionários CEP: 30140-003 | Belo Horizonte - MG
Rua Buenos Aires, 457 - 6º andar Sala 61 - Batel CEP: 80250-070 | Curitiba-PR
Rua Mostardeiro, 5 - 10º andar Sala 1012 - Moinhos de Vento - CEP: 90430-001 | Porto Alegre - RS
SHS - Quadra 6 - Bloco C - Brasil XXI - 18º andar
Sala 1801 -
CEP: 70322-915 | Brasília - DF
637 Hookline Circle, Wellington, FL 33470-6152 www.fidelitytranslations.com
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