A Technical Translation can be either a sworn translation or not. It covers different areas of specialization and takes into account the terminology of each specific subject, such as legal, pharmaceutical, and engineering, among others.
Therefore, technical translators should not only master a language, but also be deeply familiarized with the subject being addressed in the text. They must know the details of the area, as well as the terminology used in each sector and the culture of the target country. The terminology of a legal document, for example, is completely different from that of a technical manual or a patient information leaflet.
Each of these translation modalities has its own importance. They can sometimes be combined into one modality, as is the case with technical legal translations. If a translation is being produced to be submitted in court, for example, it can be considered both a technical and a sworn translation.
At the end of the day, sworn translators can make both types of translation, but knowing in advance the specific purpose of a translation can help the translator choose more accurate terminology. Sworn translations have some specificities that require special attention, while technical translations may allow some flexibility. That’s why it’s important to understand how a translation is produced.
The context and content of the text in question will help you distinguish between a technical and a standard translation. Technical translations are required for specialized subjects, such as scientific papers or manuals. On the other hand, standard translations can be used for more informal texts, such as a storybook, a recipe, or a letter.
Do you need technical translation services? Do you still have a question? Contact us to request a quote or come visit us at our local office! Fidelity Translations has the best technical translators. Translations are made by over 150 experts in different fields.
Al. Araguaia, 1293 - 7º andar Sala 706 - Alphaville
CEP: 06455-000 | Barueri - SP
Rua Líbero Badaró, 377 - 29º andar - Centro CEP: 01009-906 | São Paulo - SP
Av. José de Souza Campos, 1815 - 5º andar, Sala 503 Cambuí - CEP: 13024-912 | Campinas - SP
Av. Rio Branco, 45 - 16º andar Sala 1601 - Centro CEP: 20090-003 | Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Av. Brasil, 1438 - 5º andar Sala 506 - Funcionários CEP: 30140-003 | Belo Horizonte - MG
Rua Buenos Aires, 457 - 6º andar Sala 61 - Batel CEP: 80250-070 | Curitiba-PR
Rua Mostardeiro, 5 - 10º andar Sala 1012 - Moinhos de Vento - CEP: 90430-001 | Porto Alegre - RS
SHS - Quadra 6 - Bloco C - Brasil XXI - 18º andar
Sala 1801 -
CEP: 70322-915 | Brasília - DF
637 Hookline Circle, Wellington, FL 33470-6152 www.fidelitytranslations.com
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