Understand the difference in translating to and from a local language and have your questions answered before hiring the service you need. Translating into a foreign language means translating a text in Portuguese into a foreign language (English, Spanish, German, among others). The opposite can also be done, translating a text in a foreign language into Portuguese.
Translating is converting a text written in a foreign language into a local language. That is, in the case of Brazil, it is a text written in any other language that will be translated into Portuguese.
Converting a text written in your local language into a foreign language is also possible. Using Brazil as an example, it is a text written in Portuguese, which will be translated into another language (English, Spanish, Japanese, German, French, Italian).
Do you need to have your text translated from your native language into a foreign one or vice-versa? Do you still have a question? Contact us and request a quote or come visit us at our local office!
Al. Araguaia, 1293 - 7º andar Sala 706 - Alphaville
CEP: 06455-000 | Barueri - SP
Rua Líbero Badaró, 377 - 29º andar - Centro CEP: 01009-906 | São Paulo - SP
Av. José de Souza Campos, 1815 - 5º andar, Sala 503 Cambuí - CEP: 13024-912 | Campinas - SP
Av. Rio Branco, 45 - 16º andar Sala 1601 - Centro CEP: 20090-003 | Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Av. Brasil, 1438 - 5º andar Sala 506 - Funcionários CEP: 30140-003 | Belo Horizonte - MG
Rua Buenos Aires, 457 - 6º andar Sala 61 - Batel CEP: 80250-070 | Curitiba-PR
Rua Mostardeiro, 5 - 10º andar Sala 1012 - Moinhos de Vento - CEP: 90430-001 | Porto Alegre - RS
SHS - Quadra 6 - Bloco C - Brasil XXI - 18º andar
Sala 1801 -
CEP: 70322-915 | Brasília - DF
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